Installation steps of laser cutting machine to replace focusing lens

Installation steps of laser cutting machine to replace focusing lens

Installation steps of laser cutting machine to replace focusing lens

First step

Open the protective film of the focusing lens and put the convex side of the lens upwards (see picture)


Second step

Take the focus tube carefully and put it in the hand where the lens is, covering the whole lens 


Key points:

       1. The convex side of the lens is upwards and cannot be reversed;

       2. No smudges or fingerprints are allowed on the mirror surface.

Third step

 After the left and right hands rotate 180 degrees clockwise at the same time

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Fourth step

After releasing the pressure lens, use a small steel rule to tighten the pressure lens nut to the appropriate position 


Key points:

1. The steel rule fits into the card slot, rotate and tighten lightly, and the edge of the steel ruler cannot touch any part of the lens;

2. Shake gently to observe if the lens is loose.